This past week I started a class on portfolio development with William Neill ( Our first lesson’s point was developing focus. He notes many (most – including me) photographers start off shooting about everything, but in the long run we need to focus on subject matter that really inspires us and develop portfolios around those subjects/themes. We can’t capture it all (though we try). 

Personally, determining what really inspires me is going to be tough. I know that there times when I am more inspired than others, but I don’t know that it has been with any particular subject. Things that do inspire me: great light, painting with my camera, a foggy morning with sun breaks, the sweet smell of an Oregon forest, learning, my grandchild… these are a few of my favorite things (care to sing along). Think I am loosing focus! I’ll let you know what I learn along the way.
Speaking of inspirations, I have included a couple of inspiring sunset shots with this blog.