While out camping and relaxing this past sunny weekend I noticed some unique clouds overhead. I don’t what type they are, but there was a grouping of clouds that all looked like Nike swooshes. I do live in Nike country so maybe this is some great marketing deal between Nike and the cloud people 😉
Take time to look up, who knows what you will see!
I just stumbled upon your blog and am so excited by what I've found. Casual, intuitive, creative, interesting, intelligent, and fun! I am a student of photography and am thrilled to read and follow your photography along the way. Thank you!
Thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated. If you don't mind me asking, how did you stumble across my blog?
Sorry for the delayed response…I found your blog somehow through the David Rowse newsletter I receive. Can't remember exactly in what context.
Thanks for the info. I assume that is Darren Rowse with Digital Photography School. He must have run across my blog at some point.