On my way to Silver Falls State Park here in Oregon (a beautiful park by the way) my wife and I stopped at the Wooden Shoe Tulip farm. The tulips were not quite a peak yet but some sections were in full bloom. The weather was actually pretty good at first – mostly cloudy with sun breaks. Unfortunately it turned to full sun before I would have liked.
Flowers look best under diffused light 99% of the time. I did take some advantage of the direct sunlight and did a couple backbit images – one is included here. The final image is a pan of some the mult-color tulips.

Top image: For this image I got the camera down low to the ground (taking advantage of the fact that the tulip were on row mounds) . I set up the on camera flash for a little fill light(-1.0EV) and composed the shot keeping it a bit on the diagnal. In post processing I darkened some of the ground debrie and cleaned it up as needed.