The door on fall closed and the winter Christmas season door opened. Christmas lights have started to appear all around and they present another photographic opportunity. Some of the same techniques I have applied to nature work can be readily applied to Christmas lights and result in unique images. I have included two examples here. The first is a 9 multi-exposure shot (slight shift between each shot) of a nicely lit up house. With the multiple exposures the number of lights is multiplied and their impact enhanced. With many high end Nikon cameras you can do this in-camera. If you are a Canon owner or don’t has this mode check out the free Photoshop script at Outback Photo (bottom of page under free scripts). It will . Tony Sweet has a video on using this as well – video.
For the second image I did a slow swipe (1/2 sec) moving top to bottom. It produces yet another look. Note you will probably have to up your ISO to get the right shutter speeds and aperture (f16 for this image).
There will likely be more ideas to come. Have fun!!!