It appears my last blog entry on emotional impact in photography struck a cord with many of you out there. So in that same line, I have added two more images taken at the same time as the previous 3 images that take yet different approaches to the subject.
The first image is similar in feel to the third one in my previous blog, but is a bit different. For me it conveys the emotion of being left behind. How about you? Analysing the image:
- Not really hi or low key – just average tonal range – maybe a touch on the dark side.
- Wide angle lens – gives is that since of distance from the foreground leaf to the curve.
- Road line is more straight up and down – less dynamic or exciting than a diagonal. This is in keeping with the more subdued (or negative) emotion.
- Foreground object close to front frame edge (not at the classic 1/3 location). This reinforces the left behind or loneliness of the image.
- Black and white image – again less vibrant and more subdued.
The second image was shot while zooming and panning using a long shutter exposure. The panning was to keep the end of the road as the zoom focal point. It has been blended in Photoshop with a “watercolor” version generated with Topaz Labs Simplify. What feelings does this rendition of the image illicit?
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i get high energy and excitement from the saturated hi key colors and the streaks they make from the long exposure, panning, and zooming. the long exposure also adds irrationality and the feeling that time isnt functioning properly. the greens imply life, the yellows and oranges give warmth. in contrast the slowly curving road placed in the middle is mellow, dull even, almost boring. the two emotions are misplaced creating confusion about the scene. the wide angle vertical frame puts emphasis on the euphoria and high energy. for me the image is psychedelic, paranoid, shizophrenic, euphoric all at the sametime. maybe its how a crazy person, or someone on drugs, sees things as theyre driving through a forest listening to the beatles.